5 Recent TBR Books

The summer is practically at a close! Wow, time has really been flying this year. I cannot believe it’s already over halfway through. But we always say that every year, right?

I’m happy to report I finished my Goodreads Reaching Challenge already. Yahoo! I’ve read 30 books and counting so I’m looking forward to reading more. And speaking of reading more I am always on the lookout for the next book to pick-up or save for later… Which, of course, means I’m constantly on Goodreads adding books to my To-Be-Read pile like there’s no tomorrow. So here I am going to share 5 books I’ve added to my TBR list recently, and if you are interested in them as well you can add them too!
Walk on Earth a StrangerThe first book I’m interested in reading is Walk on Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson, the author of the popular Fire and Thorns series. Raegan from her Youtube channel, PeruseProject, recently recommended this book. And since I love her channel and recommendations I couldn’t help myself. Plus Walk on Earth a Stranger is a historical fiction, which I always gobble up without restraint. This story follows a girl living during the Gold Rush era who has the ability to – get this – sense gold! And as one would expect this is both a gift and a curse as she is forced to flee west and keep her ability a secret. How epic does that sound? I’m really excited to read this book and dive more into the time and world of the Gold Rush.

Exit WEstThe next book I’ve added to my TBR list is Exit West by Mohsin Hamid. Another recommendation by Raegan, this novel sounds intriguing since it is a realistic fiction that conveys the struggles of refugees around the world. In Hamid’s book, we discover two people who fall in love during civil unrest in their country. As the danger increases they realize must escape west to safety away from all they’ve previously known. With the current state of unrest in the Middle East and the transfer of refugees, I think this novel is an especially important read. It may be categorized as fiction but it speaks for many people in real-life who perhaps can’t tell their story or be heard. I absolutely love books like this and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

Into the DimDear Into the Dim, you had me at “time-travelers.” I don’t know what it is about this particular theme but I just am so attracted to these types of books. Written by Janet B. Taylor, this story begins with a teenage girl who’s just lost her mother in an earthquake overseas. When she travels to Scotland and finds her mother was a member of a secret time-traveling group she ends up in the past and must rescue her mother before time runs out. This sounds like a fast-paced novel that I’ll probably run through and I am thrilled to find out how this story turns out.

Silent SpringSilent Spring is also another recent TBR book. This is a non-fiction book written by the famous scientist and conservationist, Rachel Carson, about our impact on the environment and how we can protect the future of our planet. It was published in bound form in 1962 and began the incredibly important environmental movement. I’ve added this work to my list because I took a science class this summer and learned a bit about Carson and her fight against the use of the powerful pesticide, DDT. I have learned a lot about my ecological footprint during this class and now I aim to reduce my waste and become greener. Silent Spring was written over 50 years ago yet its warning of our destruction of the environment is still a convicting message today.

The LeaversAnd the final book I’ll share with you is The Leavers by Lisa Ko. I added this one to my TBR shelf because it’s a story centered around family, or a lack thereof, and who we are as a result of it. The Leavers protagonist is a young boy when his mother, an undocumented Chinese immigrant disappears on her way to work. He is later adopted by a white couple who move away from his home and seek to mold him into an “all-American boy” all while he is struggling to reconcile his old life with the new. I think this novel is so appealing to me because I have been blessed with a loving unbroken family my whole life. Yet I do know many people that are left to figure out who they are after families are torn apart. The Leavers looks to be a perfect for such cases and I am anxious to see how the author handles this important and prevalent issue.

Although this is by no means my entire TBR shelf I am always excited to add more books to the list. I don’t know if it will ever dwindle to zero, but goals are important when working to achieve something. I’m also pleased that my reading tastes have shifted and grown over the years, leaving me more range to appreciate beautiful writing, and add more books form different genres (particularly non-fiction). I’m also always up for a good recommendation to add.

What books have you put on your TBR shelf recently?


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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/cup0tea
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